On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 15:57:41 -0600, Robert Kulagowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a number of frontends, each with local storage.  I have a master
> backend which is already serving as a DHCP / TFTP / NFS server to a
> MediaMVP and my frontends.
> What I'd like to do is take my existing frontends (one a Debian
> unstable, one a FC2) and set them up as semi-diskless; boot off the
> local storage, then switch to using NFS for everything else, at which
> point I can spin-down the local hard drive, reducing noise.
> I'm not really interested in a complete diskless system, and the various
> HOWTO's that I've seen pretty much revolve around netbooting / PXE.
> Has anyone already done something similar?

I must misunderstand your question, it seems to easy.
Knoppmyth will boot a frontend setup off of the CD, and then connect
to your backend.   http://www.mysettopbox.tv/doc.html#frontend

I experimented with Knoppymyth recently.  I was really impressed with
it.  It worked out of the box, and had just about everything that my
system needed.
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