Hello mythtv-users,

I recently installed Mythtv 0.16 on Fedora Core 2.  I am using a
PVR-350 for output with the ivtv-0.2.0-rc3c.  I am experiencing a few
(minor) issues, the first two of which may or may not be ivtv-related,
but the final is definitely MythTV.  Searches on the mailing list
archives have proven fruitless.

1.  Black screen after EPG exit.
When I exit the EPG while watching live TV, the screen goes black
until I press any button, at which point the TV signal returns.  I can
still hear the audio during this period.

2. Freeze on commercial edit.
When I attempt to select commercial edit while viewing recorded
material, mythfrontend (and/or X?) freeze solid.  I can still ssh in
and everything else continues running, but mythfrontend is dead until
I restart the X process. (Sorry, haven't tried just restarting
mythfrontend's process.. a little tricky when you are SSHing into a
box behind your TV)

3. Buttons cut off.
On many (but not all) of the setup screens on mythtvsetup and
mythfrontend, the row of buttons at the bottom of the screen (Cancel,
Prev., Next, etc.) are either completely outside of the mythfrontend
window, or only partially visible.  Please note that this is _NOT_ an
overscan issue -- I have mythtvfrontend running in a window, and the
buttons are outside the windows borders.  I saw a post about font
problems with Fedora's urw-fonts package.  I am using the version
reccommended, urw-fonts-2.16.

Regarding the first two problems, the behaviour is the same between
ivtv- and ivtv-0.2.0rc3c.

Any ideas?

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

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