On 12-Jan-05, at 10:33 AM, Justin Kim wrote:

At 6:42 PM -0500 1/11/05, Magnus Meinfretr wrote:

What you forget is this is a 1.25GHz PowerPC G4.  This is not a
Pentium 4 or an Athlon.  Don't fall into the mental trap of thinking
the GHz ratings even compare.

This is probably (conservatively) at least as fast as a 2GHz Pentium 4
for all intents and purposes.  Any code that makes good use of the
Altivec instructions could very well be beyond current x86 performance

I don't know about that. It's not just the processor. The mini has a rather slow 167MHz bus, so I'd guess most 2GHz P4 desktop systems would be considerably faster in most tasks. The mini is probably more than sufficient for email, web, and Sims/Quake 3 level games, but I wouldn't buy it to do anything processor-intensive.

As a Mac user, I would agree the 2GHz is *much* faster for most tasks. Don't get me wrong, I am sure the Mini Mac would make a great standard defintion MythTV frontend and probably do other HTPC related tasks, but a powerhouse, it is not.


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