As some of you may know, I work for a systems integrator ( Though we specialize in servers, many of us are OSS and linux fanatics, and some of us have wanted to do something to "give back" to the OSS community. Since I love mythtv, I thought it'd be a good place to start. My idea is this...

We have no desire to provide software support (or deal with zap2it licensing issues), but we're one of the best out there for hardware support and reliable systems. Since this is a "give back" kind of thing, and "desktops" aren't moneymakers, we don't really care about making money off of them (just enough to cover labor and support costs).

I've been working with people in the irc channel to try to come up with good hardware platforms (2 systems -- amd vs intel), and as per my boss' request, am aiming around the $1000 retail price range (high-end, I know) for a system capable of HDTV output.

We considered a lower-end box, but the cheapest I could come up with was around $600 using near-obselete hardware like a pundit (remember, we can't buy hard drives with rebates, etc). Might as well pay more and get a much nicer system in a more appropriate-looking htpc case (I like the silverstone ones best, at the moment)

Anyway, we'd install fedora with mythtv and ivtv (and/or dvb/pchdtv) drivers, make sure it all works (short of configuring zap2it -- I don't want to get tangled in their license as a commercial entity). Then you, as knowledgeable mythtv admins can turn around and offer your consulting services to prospective interested parties to help them set up the mythbox (and will let you instruct them in setting up their own personal account at zap2it, and explain how the surveys work, etc.).

My question to you is, "Does anyone think this sounds like a worthwhile endeavor?" Would anyone actually take us up on the offer?

If so, please email me with questions/comments. I don't really want to push this unless it's something that people would actually be interested in.

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