Well, for me at least, I was able to find a (sloppy, but pretty easy)
workaround for it.  I've posted to the list and never really got a
response.  FYI, I'm running FC3, Kernel 2.6.10-1.741_FC1 using the
mythtv 0.16 (whatever one was avialable via apt-get).  Maybe one of
the new CVS fixes this, but I'm still a n00b and not comfortable
messing with that yet.

First, exit the frontend.  Then try killing and then restarting the
backend (don't reboot the box or anything).  I do it as follows on

#  /etc/init.d/mythbackend stop
#  /etc/init.d/mythbackend start

Now go back into the frontend and see if you can change channels (for
me, I couldn't get audio working without restarting the backend
either).  Can you change channels now?  If so, then you had the same
problem I did.

To make this a more permanent workaround, I did the following:

1) Used the following command to turn the autostart of mythbackend off
(Jarod's guide shows this way to make it start up automatically, so
I'm just undoing it if that's how you set up your box).

# /sbin/chkconfig mythbackend off    

2)  I then added the following lines to my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file at
the bottom:

/etc/init.d/mythbackend start
sleep 3
/etc/init.d/mythbackend stop
/etc/init.d/mythbackend start

The "sleep 3" statement is in there because it seems it was killing
off the backend too quickly before it fully started.  I played with
several ways of trying to start the backend, kill it, and then restart
it whenever the PC would boot, but this is the only way I found that
works reliably for me.  It's very sloppy, and I'd love to know how to
do it cleaner/easier, but this is what I got.

Let me know if that helps or if you find a better way.


On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 16:41:19 -0600, David Blevins
> On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Andy Long wrote:
> > Just out of curiousity, what does the OSD say when you try change
> > channels?  Does it say something like "0 minutes"?
> I am also having a channel changing issue and "0" minutes is exactly what the 
> OSD says.
> Is this an easy one to fix?
> -David
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