> It would be usefull if you did put in some more verbose answers.

Here is a recap of what I have tried without success:

I have tried restarting both mythbackend and mysql.
I have have rebooted (several times)
I have tried running mythsetup as both root and as mythtv without change
I have looked at the logs for mysql (all three) and mythbackend, the
output of which I posted previously in this thread.
I have unmerged and re-emerged qt without change.
I have deleted the contents of /var/lib/mysql/* and reran the
mysql_install_db script followed by mysql -u root -p*** <
I have verified the status of the mythconverg database in mysql using
webmin (ie: a database but no tables.
I have verified that the env var QTDIR points to /usr/qt/3
I have added qt to my USE list and unmerged/re-emerged mysql.
I have rebuilt qt with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86"

I think that's a a pretty comprehensive list of what I've tried and
still get the following error:
$ mythsetup
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
Unable to connect to database!
No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
Unable to open database:
Driver error was:
Driver not loaded
Database error was:
Driver not loaded

> An answer like 'Tried' does not even tell anyone if you succeeded or not or
> if there was anything at all different.

My apologies if 'Tried' was ambiguous.  I intended that to mean "I
have tried this solution, it did not rectify the problem, it did it
create any new problems, nor did the result produce anything that I
feel is valuable enough to elaborate on."

I appreciate everyone's forthcoming with possible solutions.  I will
continue to battle with in the mean time.

-- Travis
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