
I need your help. Have setup MythTV a few days ago and tried to setup my channel setting.
I also run "mythfilldatabase --manual" for a german channel set. The grabbing has run and in the channel table there are channels without frequency!

Starting mythbackend shows me
2005-01-25 22:29:18.848 DVB#0 ERROR - Unable to find channel in database.
2005-01-25 22:29:18.848 DVB#0 ERROR - Failed to get channel options for channel 3.
is defined, but isn't attached to a cardinput.

So the next step was running the channel editor and do a scan. The first big point which got on my nerves, MythTV had problems to start a scan without typing in a frequency :-(.
Ok then lets have a second try when I type in a Astra transponder frequency. And then it has found some channel, but all are tagged as service :-(. When I need here are names, not random numbers.

Ok, next step. I tried to select WatchTV. The result was about 10 seconds black screen :-(.
Ok restarting mythbackend results in:
2005-01-25 22:34:39.718 DVB#0 ERROR - Unable to find channel in database.
2005-01-25 22:34:39.718 DVB#0 ERROR - Failed to get channel options for channel 3.
is defined, but isn't attached to a cardinput.

OK. Perhaps s.th. wrong with the channel setup. So I select WatchTV the second time. Now I get a:
2005-01-25 22:37:13.087 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-01-25 22:37:13.105 Using profile 'Live TV' to record
2005-01-25 22:37:13.110 DVB#0 Recorder: Card opened successfully.
2005-01-25 22:37:13.111 DVB#0 Adding pid 0
2005-01-25 22:37:13.112 2 ok
2005-01-25 22:37:13.132 DVB#0 WARNING - PID value (0) is outside DVB specification.
2005-01-25 22:37:13.133 DVB#0 Adding pid 0
2005-01-25 22:37:13.133 DVB#0 WARNING - PID value (0) is outside DVB specification.
2005-01-25 22:37:13.169 91 []:[] []:[] []:[] []:[] []:[] []:[] []:[] []:[...
2005-01-25 22:37:14.173 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:15.173 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:16.174 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:17.175 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:18.176 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:19.177 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:20.178 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:21.179 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:22.179 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:23.180 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:24.181 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:25.182 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:26.183 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:27.184 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:28.179 Couldn't read data from the capture card in 15 seconds. Game over, man.
2005-01-25 22:37:28.179 1 0
2005-01-25 22:37:28.184 DVB#0 WARNING - No data from card in 1 second.
2005-01-25 22:37:28.186 1 1
2005-01-25 22:37:28.192 1 0
2005-01-25 22:37:28.197 1 1
2005-01-25 22:37:28.203 5 29.97
2005-01-25 22:37:28.214 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

What the hell is wrong with your software. Also I have found a "-march=pentiumpro". PLEASE READ GCC DOCUMENTATION!!!!!
This cannot work on platforms like PowerPC for example. Is also contraproductive for optimize on the different IA32 cpus!

Ok. My Configuration:
MythTV Version CVS from 2004-12-14
Kernel: 2.6.9
DVB-Card: Technotrend premium rev 1.5
MySQL: 4.1.8
glibc: 2.3.2
gcc: 3.4.2

Card is tested via szap und xawtv, running like expected.

Hoping for some help.

A very frustrated,
Michael Obster
mythtv-users mailing list

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