> I don't know how many people here are using Vonage for phone service. I
> have a perl script I hacked up that monitors the sip traffic to the
> vonage phone and alerts my mythfrontend via mythnotify to the osd when
> there is an incoming call. It shows the caller name and number. This can
> be used if you are running a linux firewall and the vonage phone
> traffice passes through it.

Love my vonage, and for that functionality, I'd consider configuring
my myth box with a second nic and route the vonage through it if I
have too! Like the rest, I'm not currently using a linux firewall. :(

How about doing this with tcpdump from the myth box itself? My myth
box actually shares a 10base hub w/ the vonage box, so should be no
reason it can't sniff out the sip...

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