I have been struggling, on and off, with getting my DVD player working with Myth for months (Its actually a DVD writer -- but I'll wait to tackle that until I can at least get the player part working). I eventually got it setup and could play dvds, but couldn't transcode them. Well, I finally figured out that MTD was choking on its log file at /var/lib/mythdvd/temp/mtd.log - so I "chmod 666 mtd.log" and voila! transocde appears to be working (haven't tested it yet, but at least it gets me past the "MTD is not running" warning).

Now, however, if I put a dvd in and attempt to play it (via Xine), it stutters like mad. Totally unwatchable. Now this was working perfectly when MTD was not running. Its almost like MTD and Xine are fighting to control the DVD, gobbling all the CPU cycles in the process, and causing the playback to stutter.

Anyone have any ideas on how to make MTD and Xine peacfully co-exist? Any help would be much appreciated.

My setup: Pundit, Celeron 2.4, 512Mb, FC1
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