>    I guess the urw-fonts issue caused fonts that were too large which
> then pushed the bottom of the window off screen.  I do still have some
> 'help' text that seems to partially run out of space, but that may be
> down to the theme;  the window size is OK now.
>    Which leads me to:  is the urw-fonts package issue actually a bug in
> that package, or in mythtv's usage of it?
>    With FC3's age, I'd have expected urw=fonts to be fixed by now if had
> some internal issue this obvious, but it could be that (a) not many
> other apps. use it at all or (b) mythtv is using it in an unusual way
> that not many other apps. do that is highlighting a bug.

I suspect it is because MythTV is guilty of perhaps trying to cram too
much onto the screen, which causes things to go haywire if the font
size is not the same between systems.

Personally, even with the older urw-fonts package (FC2) I still have
this problem..

Ian Trider
mythtv-users mailing list

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