On Tuesday 08 February 2005 22:58, John Andersen wrote:
> On Monday 07 February 2005 14:49, Andy Long wrote:
> > NOT getting analog cable if you have digital seems odd, unless they
> > have installed some kind of filter on your line.
> Not really, the reason for going digital is the dramatic increase in
> the number of stations carried.  Many cable plants are switching
> to Digital only, as each analog channel takes something like 5 to 8 
> digital channels worth of bandwidth.

Yes, but typically there are 3 scenarios in the wild:

(1) cable provider goes digital-only -- there are no analog  channels on 
the cable.  I'd guess this is rather rare

(2) cable provider provides analog + digital.  Channels < 125 are 
analog, others are digital.  Analog channels do not have digital 
equivalents (except for the case of a local station that broadcasts 2 
channels, for standard and HD).

(3) same as (2), except all analog channels are mirrored on the digital 
side.  In this case, the provider may or may not choose to put a filter 
on the analog channels for digital customers.

Based on anecdotal evidence on this list in the past, it seems that 
either [2] or [3] (with no filter) is the most common.  So yes, in that 
case it would "seem odd" not to get analog channels in addition to the 
digital ones.

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