On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 15:57:00 -0800, Michael R. Dilworth (E-mail)
> I'm about to build my first mythtv box, I've been lurking
> here for a little over a month and have dug through the
> archives as well is google.  I believe I have enough info
> to pull it off, with one exception TV out.
> I'm looking for a easy, (i.e. hardware I can find with out
> going used/ebay) TV out solution.

I'd recommend tv-out via the Hauppauge pvr-350. Despite the many posts
to the mailing list, I had no trouble running X using the pvr-350's
framebuffer. In addition to outstanding picture quality, the pvr-350's
hardware decoder requires almost no CPU time when playing back mpeg2
recordings or live tv.

I am running ivtv-0.2.0-rc3f and it seems very stable with my
pvr-250mce and pvr-350.

> The output will need to be composite, aka RCA, NOT dvi/svid
> etc...   I will be plugging the output into my Avcast network.

The pvr-350 has a "dongle" cable that has RCA output and s-video
output. While s-video should be used if your TV has a s-video
connection, the video RCA cable can be used if your TV has only RCA

> I would also like to be able to have both TV Out and X running
> on the console,.

I haven't tried this and your X configuration will certainly be more
complicated. What's the reason you want to run both over the console,
as well as your tv?

> I plan to be running Fedora(1, 2 or 3) and Myth 17 (I'm
> waiting until it comes out)

There are plenty of people running myth on FCx and Jarrod's howto is
one of the most comprehensive. If you're relatively new to Linux, FCx
will probably be the easiest. I, however, am using gentoo and love it.

Mythtv 0.17 should be out this week, but if it gets delayed for some
reason, you could always start with 0.16 and upgrade when available.

I approached my mythtv install this way: I first installed with FC2
using Jarrod's howto and one I got it up and running and learned a
bunch along the way, I wiped my disk clean and reinstalled with
gentoo. No particular reason, other than I'd been interested in gentoo
for a while and wanted an excuse to install it.

Hope that helps,

Jeff Thompson
mythtv-users mailing list

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