On Wednesday 16 February 2005 10:03, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
> I've got an NVidia card (MX-400) with such a 
> horrendously crappy tvout chip on it, the most I ever see is 240 
> lines.  
> The chip just plain blows chunks.

Cory, just curious, what TV encoder chip does your Nvidia card use?  My 
old LeadTek GF4MX-420 card used an NV17 TV encoder and the output was 
beautiful.  That card has since died and I'm now using the onboard 
GF4MX-440 from my Chaintech 7NIF-2 nForce2 boards, which uses an NV18 
TV encoder, and, to quote you, it simply "blows chunks".  You're about 
the only other person I've ever heard speak of Nvidia TV-out that way, 
so I was just wondering if you also had the newer chip.

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