On Wednesday 16 February 2005 10:14 am, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> For example, if I watch a capture of CNN through the g400 using x11 on
> the framebuffer hacked with matroxset, I see more of the picture than I
> would see watching live broadcast television.  The ticker at the bottom
> has a significant amount of picture underneath it.  If I watch CNN live,
> I don't see the picture underneath the ticker and the ticker runs pretty
> much (within a scanline or two) along the bottom edge of my television.
> If I watch that same capture through the g400 using DirectFB's TV-Out,
> it looks _exactly_ like it would watching it live.  I see exactly the
> same amount of the image as I would have watching it live.

Sounds like a driver limitation if you can't adjust the amount of overscan or 
set it to unscaled mode in X - it's relatively easy to do on other cards.  
Myth _can_ adjust for that, though, by fiddling with the overscan settings in 
the playback options.  Not as good as passing things through completely 
unscaled, but the displayed area would at least be right.

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