On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Eric Werness wrote:

> Eric Werness wrote:
> > When I rebuilt my system around when 0.16 came out, I tried 2.6 with
> > very little success (all videos playback stuttered - no obvious reason
> > why). Changing the driver is my last resort given how much trouble
> > I've had with it in the past, but I may have to try that if nothing
> > else comes up...
> I upgraded my driver from 1.5 to 1.6 and it didn't seem to help anything.
> I looked through hdtvrecorder.{cpp,h} again to see what'd changed, and
> one thing jumped out at me - the buffer size. In 0.16, the packet buffer
> was sized to 255868 bytes = 1361 packets. A comment indicates that this
> is about 1/10 of a second at max data rate. In 0.17, the buffer is sized
> to 128 packets = 23.5KB, which is only enough for a little under 10ms at
> the same data rate. I recompiled libmythtv with the former packet size,
> and recording is much better.
> Does anyone know why this change was made? My best hand-waving
> explanation is that the 10ms timer tick on 2.4.x isn't good enough to
> keep a (10-epsilon) ms buffer full, but the 1ms timer tick on 2.6 is. I
> guess I should try upgrading my system to 2.6.x again...
> ~Eric

Could be.  Most of us are using a 2.6 kernel, so that would explain why we
are not seeing the problem.

It may take me until this weekend, but I will try and verify that a larger
read size does not cause any problems on my system.  If it looks good I will
submit a patch to increase that value.

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