On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 20:03:58 -0600, Robert Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-02-20 at 19:34 -0500, Thom Paine wrote:
> > I just completed my system, and have a few outstanding issues with it.
> >
> > 1. Sound is giving me an error when I go to watchtv.
> > It says that /dev/dsp is in use, and gives me the option to continue
> > without sound.
> Kde might be grabbing it, or whatever window manager you are using.
> Make sure to turn off the sound manager for your window manager if thats
> applicable.
> Doing a /etc/init.d/alsasound restart or equivalent for your
> distribution should reset alsa and allow it to work..

> > 2. The remote doesn't work very well. I think this is because I
> > downloaded Jarod's lircrc file and dumped it into my ~/.mythtv/lircrc.
> > I didn't customize it at all, and I have the new hauppauge remote with
> > the 4 coloured buttons at the bottom. Is there another downloadable
> > remote map for this, or do I need to customize it for myself?
> No idea on remotes.  I have an ati rf remote and haven't really spent
> much time there.
> >

If you grabbed the lircd.conf file for the new remote from Jarod's
site, and also grabbed the lircrc file from Jarod's site, you'll have
problems.  The button mappings in the lircrc file don't correspond to
what the buttons have been named in the lircd.conf file.

Here's the contents of what I posted in another email:  You can find
the full contents of the email here:

 ***********Email paste****************************

I'm just taking a stab here, but it would seem that while you are
using the proper lircd.conf file, your are using the lircrc file for
the "old" grey/black remote. You should be able to tell fairly
easily, and it shouldn't be hard to fix. The "codes" section of your
lircd.conf file should look as follows:

------------BEGIN lircd.conf PASTE--------------

begin codes
Power 0x00000000000017BD
Go 0x0000000000001FBB
TV 0x000000000000179C
Videos 0x0000000000001F98
Music 0x0000000000001799
Pictures 0x0000000000001F9A
Guide 0x000000000000179B
Radio 0x0000000000001F8C
UP 0x0000000000001794
LEFT 0x0000000000001F96
RIGHT 0x0000000000001797
DOWN 0x0000000000001F95
OK 0x00000000000017A5
Back-Exit 0x0000000000001F9F
Menu 0x000000000000178D
Prev-Channel 0x0000000000001F92
Mute 0x000000000000178F
Volume-UP 0x0000000000001F90
Volume-DOWN 0x0000000000001791
Channel-UP 0x0000000000001FA0
Channel-DOWN 0x00000000000017A1
Record 0x0000000000001FB7
Stop 0x00000000000017B6
Rewind 0x0000000000001FB2
Forward 0x00000000000017B4
Play 0x0000000000001FB5
Previous 0x00000000000017A4
Next 0x0000000000001F9E
Pause 0x00000000000017B0
1 0x0000000000001F81
2 0x0000000000001782
3 0x0000000000001F83
4 0x0000000000001784
5 0x0000000000001F85
6 0x0000000000001786
7 0x0000000000001F87
8 0x0000000000001788
9 0x0000000000001F89
0 0x0000000000001780
star 0x0000000000001F8A
hash 0x000000000000178E
red 0x0000000000001F8B
green 0x00000000000017AE
yellow 0x0000000000001FB8
blue 0x00000000000017A9
end codes

----------------END PASTE--------------------

Does your lircrc file look like this? Here's a snippet from the top
of the one I saw on Jarod's site:

---------------BEGIN lircrc PASTE--------------------

# Channel Up
prog = mythtv
button = CH+
repeat = 3
config = Up

# Channel Down
prog = mythtv
button = CH-
repeat = 3
config = Down

# OK/Select
prog = mythtv
button = OK
config = Space

# Play
prog = mythtv
button = PLAY
config = Return

--------------END PASTE--------------------

Look at the "button = " part for each entry in the lircrc file. One
says "button = CH+". Another "button = CH-" and so on. These entries
for button need to correspond to something in your lircd.conf file.
With they lircd.conf for that old grey/black remote, the lircd.conf
called the channel up button on the remote "CH+". However, the
lircd.conf file for the new remote calls it "Channel-UP". The old
lircd.conf called channel down "CH-", while the new one calls it
"Channel-DOWN". If you change the "button =" entries in your lircrc
file, changing "CH+" to "Channel-UP", changing "CH-" to "Channel-DOWN"
and so on, reboot the box, and test mythtv, this should fix the
problem. Make sure you change any copy of lircrc that you're using.

You can look at the file differences for some comparisons of the
lircrc file to the old and the new remotes.

lircrc file on Jarod's site (for old black/grey remote)

lircd.conf file for old grey/black remote:

lircd.conf for new grey/black remote:

Please reply with whether or not this was the issue.




> > 3. The video seems to be slow. It's a little choppy on fast moving
> > things. I'm not sure the problem here, but a spec list is as follows.
> > PIII 1GHz.
> > 1G Ram
> > 80G Hard Drive
> > PVR-350
> >
> If your using hardware mpeg2 encoding and deconding then nothing obvious
> comes to mind here, but then I don't have a 350.  If your using
> mpeg4 somehow then your system may not be fast enough.
> > 4. The screen doesn't quite fit the television. Is there a way to get
> > it to shrink down a bit so I can see the info at the bottom when
> > changing channels.
> The nvtv application allows some adjustments for some nvidia video
> cards.  Since you have a 350 I assume your using that for output
> though.  You might want to include more information about your
> setup.
> >
> > Thanks Jarod. Your guide was great, and I can't wait to get this
> > running a bit better and these last few bugs ironed out.
> >
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