On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 10:03 -0700, Ryan wrote:
> So I take my digital cable box to the Cable One office in Boise ID. The
> lady says she doesnt know what firewire or 1394 connecters are and shows
> me their "latest" box which doesnt have one. So I figure it will be
> easier to speak with a tech; so I go home and call and ask if they have
> 1394 enabled boxes. The lady doesnt know and connects me to a tech, he
> says that they do have them (at the office I was at) but that they dont
> support them. I said "If I come down can I get one?" and he says yes.
> SO, I go down there and talk to a completely different lady. Again she
> doesnt know what firewire is. I told her I spoke with <techs name> and
> he said they have them. She dissapears to the back and says it will cost
> me $10 more a month to have a box with firewire because only their DVR
> boxes have them. I pulled out the fcc document and said that they need
> to order me one. She took the FCC doc to the manager and they came back
> and said "No we dont have to provide you with one".
> I should be able to get one at no extra cost right?

I don't know about that... I'm paying $5 more a month for mine...


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