>An unusual set of hardware requirements then.

Sorry, I just arbitrarily picked the hardware requirements.. I needed
to put something there; I really should have put a "** FIX ME" beside
that section. I'm running a way less powerful machine than the one I

>Buying a pc to tv converter is also odd advice, since video cards
with tv-out are cheap and plentiful.

I guess I didn't describe my goal properly. I wanted non-linux people
to be able to get MythTV up and going.

When I first thought about getting a mythtv box, I just wanted to find
a place that said "hey, get this stuff, and it will work". Instead, I
had to take bits and pieces of documents, and build a system with what
I had -- which was great, for me. But this may not be great for
others. Most machines come with on-board video.. Instead of busting
out >= $100 for a video card with tv-out, and having the fun
associated with setting up tv-out with that card, spend $100 towards
something that requires 0-configuration.

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:59:01 -0800, Brad Templeton
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 03:20:55PM -0800, Nav Jagpal wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm in the process of writing a step-by-step install document for MythTV.
> >
> > You can checkout what I have so far by visiting
> > http://silver.cs.uvic.ca/~nav/mythtv/index.xhtml
> >
> > The document itself is written in DocBook, so the appearance can be
> > changed easily using stylesheets.
> >
> > I would appreciate any feedback/advice etc. Also, if anyone wants to
> > help, that would be great!
> >
> > If you skim the document, you'll see that I am targetting PVR-250. If
> > anyone wants to add sections for other tuner cards, that would be
> > great too.
> >
> An unusual set of hardware requirements then.  With the pvr-250, myth
> seems to run fine on as slow as a 600mhz celeron, possibly even slower.
> Buying a pc to tv converter is also odd advice, since video cards
> with tv-out are cheap and plentiful.
> A PCI sound card isn't needed, onboard often works just fine.
> Ethernet isn't strictly needed, dial-up connection is fine except for
> downloading the software will take a while.
> I think I would focus on the different common classes of Myth installation:
>     a) Turn an old, slow box into an SDTV mythbox.   Soon, the pvr-150 will
>         be the recommended way to do that.
>     b) Build an high-power HD mythbox with new equipment
>         (2.8ghz range recommended)
>     c) Build a decent performance SD mythbox using previous generation
>       processors (1.5 to 2ghz) or better, and if sitting around, with
>       cheap raw capture card rather than pvr-x50.
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