On Feb 28, 2005, at 23:59, Paul Leppert wrote:
The thing I miss most from the TiVo is the Live TV buffer.  The Tivo
is always recording live TV, so if you turn on the TV, TiVo has the
last 30 minutes of the current channel.  I'll probably get over this
with Myth, but it's nice to start watching Live TV and be able to back
up (via the buffer) to the beginning of whatever show is currently on.

Not to bring up a bad memory, but on Sept 11th I woke up, wandered out to the living room, and flicked on the TV, only to see smoke pouring out of a building. I went back 30 minutes and was able to see the beginning of the coverage, I then hit "record" and it even kept the stuff that happened before I woke up. Overall, I don't use this much, since I almost always watch recorded things (TV on *my* schedule is the point, afterall), but I agree, this is a handy feature.


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