On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 01:38:06AM -0800, Ross Campbell wrote:
> Would be nice to be able to also have an option for "Write a review on
> IMDB" after watching a movie in the delete menu. I'd be far more
> likely to actually write an IMDB review with that option :)

If IMDB wants to code that, they should...
> I see that most of the Academy Award Best Picture winners were already
> in the 'goodmovies.txt' list. I added the major competetitors for Best
> Picture from the various years (which presumably are good movies too
> :)

Sure.  Additions like this should go in a different file that can be
included.   There's no great harm in even doing the same request twice,
just wasted CPU.
> It would be intersting to have separate files for winners of other
> film festivals - off the top of my head, there's Golden Globes, Screen
> Actors Guild, Cannes, and Sundance. Attached is a quick hack of
> "Cannes.txt" - some international characters aren't right, and I'm not
> entirely sure how the foreign equivalent of "The" should be entered
> (i.e. before, or after), but it's a start.

The trouble of course is you have to predict how the names will appear
in the TV listings.  Sometimes judicious use of "%" is a good idea,
though you don't want to do it on every listing as that can start using
> Works great. FWIW, I chose to untar this into my mythtv install dir,
> and I chose to take advantage of the /etc/cron.weekly dir to add a
> simple executable that runs the cronjob. Seems like running once a day
> is a might much to me.

As a general policy, programs should not run as root that don't need to
run as root.
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