On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 11:08:29 -0500, Ben Giddings


> > Myth will allow your existing screensaver to kick in as needed,
> > provided you have one of course.
> Yeah, I know, but it would be cool there were some kind of integrated
> screensaver/dashboard type functionality, so if you left Myth alone,
> you'd still be in Myth, but you wouldn't have to worry about burn-in.
> The TiVo implementation of this is to always go to Live TV if you don't
> hit a key for about 15 minutes, but there are some flaws with this
> approach.  Anyhow, it's a "wish list" type feature.  Burn-in can be
> prevented with your system screensaver.

I have this real complicated method that I use to prevent burn-in.
It's called turning off the TV/Monitor. :)

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