On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 02:14:58AM -0500, Maverick wrote:
> You must be on the same wave length of me and my friends. We where
> recently talking about this functionality, so only the first person
> mark commercials (manual, ie, not auto flagged) and submit their
> locations to the network. Then everyone else has perfectly commercial
> free viewing. For any time that show ever airs, it's likely to be the
> same too.

You will find this suggestion from me in a number of threads in the
past (I think I first suggested it to the Replay guys 5 years ago but
they never did anything with it.)  It will happen.
> THE MAN would definitely dislike this idea, and IANAL, but I certainly
> can't seeing it being illegal. There's no obligation to watching
> commercials or using any sort of technology to skip them, as far as I
> know.

Actually, where it would come in handy is not just commercials (which
software today can detect) but other things like pitching changes, boring
academy awards acceptance speeches, long driving scenes to no purpose etc.
> Issac already expressed he doesn't want any technology that's central
> server centric (ala Napster was), at least that's the way I understood
> his post about that. Maybe I misunderstood.

Actually what he said recently that sounded like this was that what he meant
was he wants to insist that a recommendation system be centralized on his
personal server.
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