On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 08:39:06AM -0700, Garry Cook wrote:
> I've had my MythTV box up for a little over a week now, and one thing
> that really kills me is when I see a commercial (watching live TV of
> course) for a program that is of interest. What do I do? Stop watching
> and go schedule it? Write it down on a list I keep on the coffee
> table? It would be great if I could just hit a button and have the
> program touted in the commercial scheduled.

As you probably know, if the advertiser buys this ability, the Tivo does
exactly this.  A little icon appears during the ad to tell you to push
your thumbs-up button to record the advertised show.

I don't think this works well as a collaborative system, do people really
want to make records of where shows are advertised?  I don't see it.
You could start noticing, "Hey, after viewing this ad, 20 people went
and queued the following recording" and then offer it as a choice,
but frankly, this feature is pretty un-exciting.    Admittedly because
I use a keyboard not a remote control, so for me, in the unlikely event
I even _see_ an ad, I can just pause, bring up mythweb, type in the name
and record it all in a very few seconds.

> Perhaps the TWish beta that's being talked about will help with this
> issue, but wow, wouldn't that just be the nutz?!?!

Tvwish's current goals are more along the lines of "If some person
(or somebody amalgamating the opinions of many) puts up a recommendation
for a show on the web, your Mythtv will record it."
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