Andrew Close wrote:

i still don't quite get this. if i invite 20 ppl over to watch 'Lost'
on Weds night isn't that a group showing? i'm not profiting, peddling
or gaining in any way other than enjoying a show with a 'group' of

As I understand it, technically it's illegal to show your recordings to your friends if you have lots of them. Even if the question were to go to court, as long as you weren't doing anything commerical I expect you'd be fine. In practice, nothing at all would happen because the copyright holder would never know, and wouldn't care if they did know.

and if group showing is illegal then how do sports bars and public
places with televisions playing get away with it?

They pay fees for this privilege, or they're supposed to, anyway. Same with playing the radio in a commercial establishment, or for "hold" music on phone systems, etc. I worked for a small software house that used to pipe a radio station on the phones as hold music for tech support, and we got a cease and desist in the mail because someone reported us. After that, we bought a commercial music feed designed specifically for that purpose.

and if that's the case then won't renting movies from Blockbuster
become illegal if i'm there picking out a movie with my family? it
will be a group viewing when we get home...

The "group viewing" language includes an exception for family, IIRC. To have a problem, you have to be showing it to more than a dozen or so people, who aren't family.

unemployment should virtually disappear in the next couple years
because everyone will be able to get a job in some area of law
inforcement so that there are enough officers to enforce this


This has been the case for a while now. It was all worked out in the early 80s when VCRs came on the scene.

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