I'll add my comment,

Although im not a guru myself, and still pretty new to linux when it comes to configuring/compiling and editing my rpm sources... I do run fedora core 3 without much error.

Ive been working on this thing for 3 days straight tho, its now to the point im fustrated so much i cant sleep all i think is "gotta-get-myth-working" and in between reading the mail archive listings lol

jarods howto is pretty good, a bit tough to follow as he supports a few cards and configs (it would be awesome if it was a wiki style) however flowed thru the article with minor hickups due to kernel version errors (an error over looked on my part).

Now as for fedora as a myth box, im not sure yet, I still have to get beyond watching 1 second of video till prebuffering issues kick in.

I like fedora, and for everything that i do and have done so far it works great!
Fedora almost seems to take a lot of heat as an unstable distro, well from the people i talk to anyways, but personally id recommend it to anyone, desktop or mythbox (at the moment :D ).


William wrote:

Hi everyone,

I wanted to pass along my results with FC3 and it's new udev system. I have
to warn everyone who is not a linux guru to avoid FC3 at all costs. FC2
works great and should be used instead.

After a complete wipe and virgin install of FC3 and following Jarods guide I
wound up with a pretty much unusable system. The first and biggest problems
is that my 2nd PVR-250 would never work. Any attempt to read from that
device (video1)would crash the system. I was completely unable to get that
to work. The device errors out while loading from a modprobe. The backend
would crash for no reason and with no error output at least 2 times a day.

Also other services like dovecot and postfix would not work either. I use
this machine to fetch and filter my mail too. (spamassassin and clamav)

After fighting this thing for 3 weeks I blew it all away and did a virgin
install of FC2 using Jarods older FC2 guide (Thanks for keeping it around
Jarod). FC2 came right up, everything loads correctly (other than lircd
which I fixed with an entry in rc.local). The video devices are both present
and work. The mail services came up with the defaults and have worked
perfectly since. The backend has been running flawlessly for 10 days now.

I am not a guru but neither am I a novice so unless you like frustration,
stick with FC2 and request that the repository owners (hey atrpms, are you
listening?) continue to maintain that release. If you use Jarods guide you
will definately want to install synaptic to find the latest kernel and
modules available.

Of course your milage may vary but looking at how many people have problems
with fc3 I would say my results are pretty typical.

Good luck and safe computing,


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