On Tuesday 08 March 2005 13:21, Roy Murphy wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 10:16:07 -0600, Nathan Poznick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > If you're asking if MythTV (using the 6200ch program in
> > the contrib directory) can change the channels via
> > firewire before it records, then yes.  If you manually
> > change the channel on your STB while Myth is recording,
> > then you will end up with a recording which changes
> > channels in the middle.
> Isn't that channel changer software for a particular model of
> Motorolla STB?

Yes, the Motorola DCT-6200 series. And 6400 series, actually.

> Does it even work on other boxes? 

Other than the 6200 and 6400 series Motorola boxes, no, not that I know of. 
I'm assuming there's an equivalent for the SA3250 (the other cable box 
supported atm), but I wouldn't know. Had to patch 6200.c to get it to work 
with my own 6200 series box, but it works great now. I've actually elevated 
the FireWire input off my cable box to the first capture device in my 
production setup.

Jarod Wilson

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