On 3/14/2005 11:13 AM, Jim Oltman wrote:

How well does this frontend work for HD?

Are you referring to the link in my sig? (Hard to tell because you didn't trim your quote to the relevant portion of the message you were replying to. :-( ) If so, I am still working on it. :-) I hope to have everything usable within a couple of weeks.

 It sounds like you are going
to be selling these frontends.

Thought about it at one time, but I don't think I could make them inexpensive enough for people to buy them from me. I am still thinking about possibly selling the LED boards and a pre-configured compact flash with Linux and Myth already setup for the technically challenged and for people that are just too busy to want to mess with it.

Do you have any writeups for setting
up the software? Any special Myth "gotchas"?

Not yet. I am a horrible writer, so step-by-step instructions may never happen. As for "gotchas" the biggies are waiting for better CN400 support from the unichrome project (these guys are amazing, especially considering they get *no* help from VIA) and adding support for the VT1625 HDTV encoder.


HDTV capable frontend I am working on (now with a picture)

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