I have a hackjob (don't know much about php) attempt at the beginnings of a cutlist editor. It is far off right now. If a show on the Recorded_Programs page has been commercial flagged it will have a link to a commercial cutlist editor. It shows a bargraph showing where the commercials are marked. If you click on the bar it will show 5 frames at 30 seconds apart to the left and right of where you click and one frame where you click. This will allow you to narrow in and check if the commercial is correct. I plan on having it zoom in more by 1 second intervals if you click on any of the displayed thumbnails.

Plans are to have ways to remove and add cutlist points via the web. This is far off right now. I had to modify the backend slightly to allow for thumbnail generation based on # of seconds in (old way) and by frame #. They command is backwards compatible. I modified QUERY_RECORDINGS to allow the passing of CHANID and STARTTIME to return just one record instead of all records. This is also backwards compatible. If they are left off it will return all records.

I don't know when / if this will get done. I Work on it when I am bored. Here is a link showing a screen shot of me clicking on a show then clicking on a commercial boundary. It shows thumbnails on the top row that verify that the area to the left of the click is from the show and the thumbnails on the bottom verify that the commercials are to the right of the click.

Happy drooling...


- James
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