The fact that DVD looks perfect SHOULD tell us that it's a problem with our capture or decoding, rather than with our Video Driver, right? (I haven't compiled MythDVD yet, but I'm going to do so tonight and let you know...)

I set my bitrate to the maximum, and all I saw chage was the fact that the recording would get INCREDIBLY choppy!!! My PVR-350 seemed incapable of recording at 16Mbps... did you guys observe this as well?

- Mark

Dan Goldberg wrote:

Alright, First question.  What version pvr 250 do you
have?  I know mine is the new version, I believe it's
an ivt-16?  All I know is that it ends with 16 and not
15 like the older cards do.

I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but using lspci -v I have an Internext Compression Inc iTVC16.

Second question, when you play with the live tv
settings such as bitrate and recording type, do you
notice any real difference. I don't feel I notice any
difference. I know it's actually changing the
settings though, because when I query the ivtv driver
it matches the setting in myth. Also changing the
screen size does things.

For me, I notice basically no difference in picture quality when I change
the bitrate and recording type.

Final question. Does everyone agree that dvd playback
looks great?

My dvd playback looks perfect.

First comment. I have tried many different driver
versions and firmwares. They all have the same issue.

I had hoped that upgrading to Fedora Core 3 from Fedora Core 1 and getting newer ivtv drivers would do something but.... it's basically the exact same picture quality as before.

Second comment. I tried outputing thru mplayer and
quality is just as bad.

I'd say the mplayer output is comparable to the mythtv output of recordings. I wouldn't say it's bad, though, just not as crisp as regular tv.



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