Title: Can't see slave card in master


I have an xbox frontend and a master backend with two tuner cards working just fine.

Last night, I added a Slave Backend with another card in it but I cant see the third card from the Master Backend.

The card in the slave is working fine I have set it up in mythtvsetup, and tuned all the channels and can watch liveTV with it it connects to the Master Backend no problems, and the Master Backend accepts the connection.

I thought I might need to add the third card into the Master Backend as another Card using mythtvsetup but only the normal options appear nothing to do with adding a slave card.

Any advice on how I can get the third card to be recognised in the Master Backend?


Heres mythbackend.log from the slave machine:

1213-2005-03-29 23:46:24.076 DVB#0 Status: LOCK.

1257-2005-03-29 23:46:24.077 DVB#0 Multiplex Locked

1304-2005-03-29 23:46:26.159 DVB#0 Successfully tuned to channel 3.

1367-2005-03-29 23:46:26.188 mythbackend version: 0.17.20050130-1 www.mythtv.org

1443-2005-03-29 23:46:26.237 Enabled verbose msgs : important general

1508:2005-03-29 23:46:27.249 Connecting to master server: mythbox.network.home:6543

1587-2005-03-29 23:46:27.258 Connected successfully

Heres mythbackend.log from the master machine:

943991-2005-03-29 23:34:48.505 Reschedule requested for id 0.

944046-2005-03-29 23:34:48.691 Scheduled 25 items in 0.2 = 0.00 match + 0.16 place

944122:2005-03-29 23:46:27.329 adding: raid1box.network.home as a slave backend server

944202-2005-03-29 23:46:27.330 Reschedule requested for id 0.

944257-2005-03-29 23:46:27.516 Scheduled 25 items in 0.2 = 0.00 match + 0.16 place

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