SacTwoThirtyEight wrote:

I do not have a /dev/video32 listed in my dev folder. Not sure what needs to link to it ... (video4linux ? video0 ? ) I also tried copying the .rules and .permissions as per Adam Gianola's comments, with a restart and still same signal strength of 000.

*/"Villalovos, John L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    SacTwoThirtyEight wrote:
    > I then try and run the 'dtvsignal /dev/video0 xx' or 'dtvsignal
    > /dev/video4linux xx' (where xx is a frequency assignment for dtv
    > stations in my area - I do not know which to link to /dev/dtv ). I
    > then get the 000 for the signal strength. I'm sort of lost on what
    > other options to try next. I'm not even sure if I've screwed things
    > up by trying both versions of the pcHDTV software from the CD
    and the
    > website. I have seen other web sites that have "install" install
    > instructions but they are either not for FC3 or 2.6.10 or are so
    > vague, this poor midnewbie can't quite comprehend them. I'd like to
    > thank everyone ahead of time ... this i! s a great forum with
    > experts with vast amounts of knowledge.

    Take this with a grain of salt since I have NOT yet got mine working.

    But the HDTV signal should be on /dev/video32 from what I have read.

    Please correct me if I am wrong on this.

    mythtv-users mailing list

The new (v2.0) pcHDTV drivers do not create the /dev/video32 (with major=81 and minor=32) any longer, they now create the /dev/video1 (major=81, minor=1). You will find this particularly challenging when trying to add the card in MythTV as it looks for major=81 and minor=32... My recommendation is to go with the cx88-dvb driver.

John Sturgeon <><

mythtv-users mailing list

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