On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 14:49:05 -0800, jeffk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the links. I'm hoping to be able to play the OTA streams on
> a Roku HD1000. However, everyone on the roku forum talks about
> transport streams rather than program stream.

I don't have a Roku HD1000, but it looks like in the PhotoBridge 2.0
Beta, Program Stream support is included. Have you checked out the
forums for the beta at:

> Just to clarify, if I install the pcHDTV drivers, I'm only going to be
> able to record PS in myth vs if I go with the DVB drivers, I'll be
> able to choose?

Hopefully someone else on the list can pipe in regarding this. As far
as I know your assumptions are correct. I got Myth recording reliably
on 2/20/05 and have been busy watching High-Def goodness since.

> Thanks for your help.

Doing my best ;)
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