At the risk of repeating a recent thread I'm still confused about
widescreen TV out. I'm now connecting my Myth box (with GF4 440MX) to a
new widescreen TV. Currently via composite but I'll change that later.

My X resolution is set to 720x576. (Same as I used on my old 4:3 TV,
actually). The TV has various zoom modes for widescreen. It doesn't
seem to think that the PC output is 16:9 automatically though.
(I'm not sure what it's looking for as a signal.)

Is the correct way to handle this to use one of Myth's zoom/stretch 
modes to stretch the 16:9 source image to a 4:3 output image, then
use a TV zoom mode to stretch it back? I think that should work.

Our TV networks here also transmit 4:3 material with vertical black bars
added to produce a 16:9 image. I think the same technique applies, with
the resulting image having black bars.

This is only temporary as I expect to connect the PC directly to the
TV's RGBHV inputs pretty soon anyway, and run 1920x1080i or 720x576p or
similar (or both at different times).

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