Hi guys,

One of the several (minor) annoyances I've had with my 0.16->0.17 upgrade is that mythcommflag won't run automatically anymore. When I see the jobqueue status in Mythweb, I see this message on a bunch of shows (and the queue keeps on filling up):

  "ERROR: Unable to find mythcommflag"

The punch line? mythcommflag definitely exists, has 755 permissions and *runs fine* when I run it from the command line. It flags the commercials and everything.

I traced the error to some code in libs/libmythtv/jobqueue.cpp, but I can't see what that return code would be coming back from a process assumedly running as root when it's trying to run a program sitting in /usr/local/bin/ with all the other myth executables.

Plus I'm not seeing this problem reported by anyone else. I know my upgrade path may've been a little bit rocky, but I've distcleaned and uninstalled a couple of times since then and still this fails.

Any ideas?

Thanks guys,


p.s. Is there any easy (non-'delete from ...' mysql stuff) way to clean out those errors from the jobqueue (or I guess it's just emptying the job queue)?
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