On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 15:44 -0400, Isaac Richards wrote:
> No.  Geez, people, if you can't or don't want to read, don't join a mailing 
> list.

All due respect Isaac but this is a very high volume list, and what
makes it worse is that the S:N ratio is not really that good.  There is,
IMHO, much too much "how do i install an rpm", "how do i set up a cron
job", "how do i reboot my system" kind of completely off-mythtv-topic
threads that people should be taking elsewhere.

I'm not surprised some people miss out some of the good tidbits amongst
all of the deleting.

But on the other hand, yes, too much not-searching-before-you-post goes
on too.  I guess everyone is lazy.  :-)


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