On 16/04/2005, at 2:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Blindly following various HOWTO's on myth installation lead me to
believe that the Nine MSN tv_grab_au in the forums was perhaps the only
one around that people were using... this may be quite far from the truth!

I'm not quite sure what to do about this now. Rohbag's d1.com grabber
looks quite complete and is well written, and is *perhaps* the legally
least dodgy option (?) --- is this what most people are using now?

I was using the D1 grabber until recently. I don't think it is the least legally dodgy option. Copyrightable materials are considered protected unless you have a license. With no license, you cannot use the data. People currently use the D1 data under an implied license because the data is available on the web. In court, that implied license may only be worth the paper it is written on.

The Australian Community TV guide ( http://tvguide.org.au/ ) is much less legally dodgy. The data there is licensed under the creative commons license. I have a, very simple, grabber for that data here:


That grabber could do with a few enhancements: making the configuration easier, adding a translation table for the genres so that they come up in pretty colours in Myth... If you want to work on a grabber, I wouldn't object to patches :).

Be well,

Will         :-}

P.S.  You could also pay for data: http://www.icetv.com.au/

Dr William Uther                           National ICT Australia
Phone: +61 2 9385 6357               Computer Science and Engineering
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          University of New South Wales
Web: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/     Sydney, Australia

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