On 4/27/05, David George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/27/2005 9:23 AM, Mark Knecht wrote:
> >I haven't tried it with
> >MythTV but I use a USB to spdif converter from ADS Tech for our music
> >collection playback. It works great. If I knew where to configure Myth
> >to use hw:1,0 instead of default then I'd give it a quick shot with
> >Myth also. I'll bet it works fine.
> >
> >
> >
> You could try changing AudioDevice from ALSA:default to ALSA:hw:1,0.
> See the sound section of the docs for where this is located:
> http://mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-7.html

Well, the front page (Section 7) doesn't say much and the
troubleshooting notes say they don't apply to my PVR-250. So much for
the easy way.

Currently my user specific setup pages show /dev/dsp for the audio
device. Cycling through what it offers doesn't give me any ALSA
options at all. Can I jsut type in ALSA:hw:0,0 or ALSA:hw:1,0 there to
change sound devices?
> The alternative would be to create a .asoundrc for your soundcard.
> There is more info about this at:
> http://mythtv.info/moin.cgi/DigitalSoundHowTo
Will consider but I've had problems dependign on .asoundrc in the
past. Not well documented out here on the fringe. ;-)

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