> Probably won't be anything beyond 1.6, right? With the next XBox due
> to get talked about next month they probably won't continue to do much
> with the older design.
> I went to Fry's today but they didn't have any XBoxs in stock!

I haven't got a clue what is going on with any future revisions of the
XBox.  There was a shortage of XBoxes this past Christmas; and some
claimed that it was due to Microsoft shifting production to the next
generation XBox 360.  Others have gone as far as to say this is why we
are still seeing v1.4s and v1.5s, because they're being produced in
plants that were previously shifted to XBox 360 production before the
v1.6 designs were out.  This is all rumour and probably not true

People have started seeing a fourth DVD drive type appear (an LG) this
year, so it's possible that changes are still being made to the XBox
design.  The previous DVD drives uses were the Thompson, Phillips and

> OK, I wanted to use Gentoo but I'll check Xebian out. Are you a Debian
> user in real life or did Xebian offer something specific in terms of
> doing the install? (Like everything from an XBox controller, etc?)

I'm a RedHat user for my PCs.  I chose Xebian mainly because all the
MythTV frontend install scripts on the old XBox-MythTV site were based
on Xebian 1.0.3.  Probably a stupid reason, but I needed something
that worked more than I needed the lastest and greatest distro. 
Unforunately, I think development in Xebian is discontinued now. 
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

> >
> > 2) There are no Microsoft keyboards or mice *for the XBox*.  However,
> > in order to control MythTV, you will need a DVD Remote.  I had a third
> > party XBox DVD remote which I could not get to work; so I ended up
> > buying the offical Microsoft DVD Dongle kit.
> Cool. That seems to be about $25 or so? It has a little IR thingie
> that goes in a controller port and then the remote, correct?

Yep.  I'm in Canada though, so it was $49 Canadian; purchased in January 2005.

> I'm reading about the Xebian stuff now. GentooX also I suppose.

Good luck with that.  I'm much more comfortable with RedHat (and now
apt-get, thanks to MythTV), so I didn't want to bother with
downloading all the dependencies and compiling everything myself. 
Xebian was a pretty painless installation too.  But I'm sure there are
other XBox MythTV users who could help you out if go that route.
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