My backend is attached to the network via cat5. My only frontend is
hooked to the bridge.

The WET54gS5 is the only device currently active on my wireless
network. I have no problems playing recordings and watching live-tv.
For testing purposes I ran a cable down the stairs to connect it via
cat5, and for the most part they behaved the same. I have stuttering
when i bring up OSD's and stuff, but I think that is the M10000 and
not network lag (that and I don't have XvMC working yet, 70-80% CPU
load) FF/RW I think was a touch faster. But nothing to drop wireless

There are other wireless networks in the area, but I don't think i'm
conflicting with any. I also have 128bit WEP enabled. My GF is getting
a laptop soon so i'll see how it performs with the laptop generating
heavy load.

I just tested sending a file again and got 2.0Mb/sec to 2.7Mb/sec. 

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