Axel Thimm wrote:

/ If you want it, you'll need to recompile from the srpms and pass in
/>>/ additional options with the --with flag (I haven't done this myself
/>>/ with the rpms, so I'm not sure what the options are).  You may need
/>>/ to "rpm -ivh" the ...src.rpm file and check the spec file in
/>>/ /usr/src/redhat/SPECS to figure out the options & syntax.  I don't
/>>/ think Axel documented the options in the package info (yet.
/>>/ Hopefully soon...).
What is there to document? The plugins have no build options and
mythtv's build options are quite self-explaining (or do
--without-alsa, --with-directfb etc. need more expanations???)

This is fine for you and me, who know how to extract and look at the spec file, but for a newbie who just wants to recompile with specific options, I think it would be nicer for them if they could just "rpm -qpi <package>.src.rpm" and have the description field print out the available --with and --without options along with a brief description of their function. Then the user could recompile with "rpmbuild --rebuild <--with-or-without-options> <package>.src.rpm". That way (s)he never has to install the rpm, nor know where the spec file resides & how to look at it. I use it 'cause I can never remember if the packager put the package together using "--with-alsa" or "--without-alsa", etc. And you may set your defaults one way and another packager may set them differently.

Matthias Saou over at FreshRPMS does this with most of his source RPMS and I find it very useful. But its only a suggestion from a user to take or leave as you see fit.

BTW, _shouldn't_ the plugins have build options (since the plugins themselves do, such as OpenGL, festival, etc.)?
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