On 5/4/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a v1.6 XBox which has been soft-modded (no mod chip).  I'm
> > running Xebian 1.0.3 and Myth 0.16.  Runs just fine.  Only issue is
> > that there's no overscan support for the new video chips, so you have
> > to use the MythTV setup to reduce the size of your GUI and adjust its
> > placement.
> >
> Hi,
>    1.6 or 1.6b? I haven't determined how to tell which I have.
>    What soft mod did you do? Is your XBox still capable of running
> games or is it Linux only?
> Thanks,
> Mark

Sorry, don't know which 1.6 I have, since I haven't taken my box
apart.  My instinct is that I have v1.6, not v1.6b.  But that's just a

If I recall correctly, I did the UDE2 mod.  I can still play games.

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