--- Andrew Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone.  I just started exploring MythTV so
> please bear with me if I
> ask a question that has already been answered.  I've
> tried Googling and
> reading as much as I can but my eyes are starting to
> bleed!
> Is it possible to have MythTV record to a raw .TS
> file instead of its native
> .nuv format?  What is the difference between these
> two file formats?  My
> goal is to archive shows on a permanent basis and I
> would prefer to get
> either a raw .TS or a pure MPEG-2 from the transport
> stream.
> Also I'm checking the option on the video input to
> save as .ts instead of
> .ps.  What does this actually do?
> My second question is a setup question.  I've been
> struggling with getting
> the Linux system stable and to get my 2 pcHDTV
> HD-3000 cards working.  Took
> me a while but those seem to be working fine.  When
> it came to installing
> MythTV the online docs were pretty good, except for
> the part where you add
> channels.
> Initially I signed up for Zap2It and performed a
> mythfilldatabase as the
> manual instructed.  However I was never able to get
> any channels to tune.  A
> few days later I figured out that I can do an ATSC
> tune and I was able to
> see all my local OTA channels.  At this point
> however, I had a disconnect
> between the guide information and some tunable
> channels.  The guide couldn't
> tune, and the tuneable channels had no guide! 
> Tonight I tried taking the
> XMLTVIDs from the Zap2It guide.  I purged the
> database and started with a
> clean one.  I then scanned my OTA channels.  After
> scanning I manually set
> the XMLTVID values for each of my channels.  Is this
> the way it works or am
> I missing something fundamental here?
> Been having fun trying to get this working!
> Andy

    AFAIK myth does record from ATSC cards in either
ts or ps, the nuv extension doesn't affect what the
file actually is.  
file 2005_20050427220000_20050427230000.nuv
2005_20050427220000_20050427230000.nuv: MPEG transport
stream data

I record mine using .ts simply because my box is
underpowered to begin with and I think that recording
in .ps involves more processing but a smaller file.

I think you are on the right track for your channel
setup.  What I did was have mythtvsetup scan for the
ATSC channels in the channel editor, added the xmltvid
from the zap2it channels to the scanned channels and
then marked all of the zap2it channels invisible so
that only the scanned channels show up in the program

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