On 5/4/05, Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to build a MythTV box.  I've been using FreeBSD for around 4
> years but  I have no experience with Linux.  So my first attempt was to
> build Myth on FreeBSD but there were lots of problems and eventually I
> gave up.   Since MythTV was written for Linux I thought I might have an
> easier time just using Linux.
> I started with Knoppmyth but couldn't get the CD to boot on my system.
> Lurking here and seeing the success others were having with Fedora and
> Jarod Wilson's guide prompted me to give that a try.  But unfortunately,
> I have a Promise 150 SATA controller in my system.  Attached to this
> card is a PATA (regular IDE) drive.  However the sata_promise driver
> doesn't support the PATA interface on this card.  Only the SATA
> interfaces.
> Googling suggested that to get this support, I needed to patch the
> sources with libata-devel and rebuild my own kernel.  Lot's of googling
> later and I've built and installed a custom kernel.  Seems to boot fine
> and the PATA drive is now recognized!  :)   But now, other packaged
> modules such as the nvidia and ivtv drivers in Jarod Wilson's guide
> don't work.   :(   I suspect this is because they were packaged for the
> default kernel and not the custom one I built?
> It appears I need to learn a whole lot more about Linux and how to build
> what I need from source.  Am I on the right track?  Can anyone suggest
> some good newbie guides to this stuff?  I find snippets googling but
> have been unable to turn up any complete guides.


Out of interest, what system/motherboard are you builing your Myth
system with? Are there no other PATA connectors other than those
connected to the Promise controller?

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