Maverick wrote:

I can't say whether this whole thing is good idea or not, but here's
my opinions:

1. A pay service is fine as long as it's optional, and I can use a
"free" service like zap2it if I choose. If any attempts at disabling
the free services in favor of a subscription service, it would be a
_BAD_ move for MythTV. Embracing new features (even if they are
subscription based) is a _GOOD_ thing as long as it doesn't replace
existing free stuff.

2. I would be more inclined to try a subscription service if there
where either a free trial or a free "basic" version. For example, if
the show listings where free for everyone, and the advanced stuff like
voting, suggested recordings, etc. where part of the paid deal, I'd
certainly consider subscribing.

I will say the number two reason I switched to MythTV is because the
free guide data. Number one being the multitude of awesome features...

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I'd say my reasons for trying Myth are similar. I wanted a DVR that didn't lock me out of my recordings, and I liked not having a subscription fee. But on the subscription fee point, I have always said that at the end of the day there is a business on the other end of that data we use. I know it costs them money to put that service together for us, and it's great that it's been free. I personally wouldn't mind a reasonable fee for the service, and I expect that eventually they may have to charge one. That's not to say I would not prefer free :-), free is always in my price range.

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