On 5/9/05, Colin Smillie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/9/05, Anil Gupte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi:
> >
> > I am a newbie at MythTV.  I want to create a stable MythTV system that I can
> > actually use and forget like an appliance.  What is the best Linux version I
> > should use?  By that I mean the most stable, and having the most drivers.  I
> > have used Debian and Slackware in the past, although I am far from an 
> > expert.
> I think Fedora is probably one of the easist to get going.  The
> disadvantage is that is sort like being on a threadmill because its
> continuing being updated and obsoleted.
> Jarod has a great guide on Fedora setup here:
> http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/fcmyth.php
> And its well supported by Axel's ATRPMs.net

I'd second that the combination of Jarod's Fedora guides and using
apt-get with atrpms.net means you can get a Fedora-based Myth system
up and running quickly. If Fedora bring out a new kernel release, it
is usually only a few days until Axel at atrpms.net has got suitable
driver packages released, which makes upgrading fairly painless.

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