On 5/9/05, Mark H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Go with knoppmyth.  There is nothing to
> compile/recompile.  You just put a CD into the
> computer  you want to install it on and let it do the
> rest.  It will not install anything that myth doesn't
> need, thus saving alot of space and memory.
> www.mysettopbox.tv

i'll second this.  KnoppMyth is an excellent distro for someone
starting out with Myth.  you should feel fairly at home with this
distro since you've used Debian; KnoppMyth is based on Knoppix, which
is based on Debian.
easy install, great support and resources (mysettopbox.com).
if you're using fairly standard hardware it's a no muss, no fuss
 solution. ;)

> --- Anil Gupte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi:
> >
> > I am a newbie at MythTV.  I want to create a stable
> > MythTV system that I can
> > actually use and forget like an appliance.  What is
> > the best Linux version I
> > should use?  By that I mean the most stable, and
> > having the most drivers.  I
> > have used Debian and Slackware in the past, although
> > I am far from an expert.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
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