On 5/10/05, Ken Mink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/10/05, gLaNDix (Jesse Kaufman) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anil Gupte wrote:
> > > My project to create my own MythTV box has run into some trouble from
> > > the boss.  My wife does not want a big ugly computer next to the TV.
> > > Any suggestions on manufacturers of boxes that look good?
> >
> > i love my silverstone ... matches the rest of my home theatre equipment
> > very well ... http://lloydnet.org/Gallery/CaseUpgrade (pix aren't the
> > greatest, but it's the black thing on the bottom w/ the blue light in
> > the last 3 pix)
> >
> > -g-
> +1 for Silverstone.
> I have the very same case and love it. It looks sharp and not out
> place in the entertainment center. That front blue LED is BRIGHT,
> though.

Another +1 for Silverstone, though I've got the LC-11 (The Micro ATX
one), and it looks REAL purdy, fitting in with the rest of the
seperates system... And yes, those LED's are BRIGHT Blue!
Robert "Anaerin" Johnston
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