--- Andrew Close <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the info and the link to the rebate.  for some reason the
> link on the site didn't work for me...
> i think i'll pick one up for me, and my brother, and my parents... :)
> only one drive per household before May 17th...

Don't count on those rebates 'till you cash the checks.  The last six
rebates I was "owed" by Seagate and Western Digital were all denied. 
The Seagate rebates didn't even bother to list a reason. (WD had some
excuse about the receipts not being submitted, which was false.)

I just took the rejection letters back to Fry's and asked the store's
rebate helper to give the cards to the manager who oversees rebate
promotions.  My message is simple: They can keep their &%##*#$ rebates
from now on.  I'm sick to death of these rebate scams and I'm
specifically NOT buying any more "rebate" products.  Lots of places
sell disks for lower LIST prices than Fry's and Outpost.com.

Don't hold your breath on those checks.

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