I could buy that the db writes are the problem. Since my first email, I have had two more crashes in the backend.
The first occurred right when it was scheduled to record a show a few hours ago. I was watching another already recorded, flagged, and transcoded show at the time so I assume the playback had no interaction with the db after it began. Then, the frontend informed me there was no connection to the backend when the playback finished. I reviewed the logs and again there was no further info. It appeared to start recording the show then the log ceases, leading me to believe it died immediately at that point.
The second occurred shortly after. I restarted the backend after reviewing the logs and later went into mythweb. I viewed the machine status and saw that it had picked up in the middle of a recording and thus had an incomplete show. I went to recorded programs and selected to delete the file. It deleted the file supposedly but crashed the backend. Luckily, this was repeatable. I did this again right now to test it and received the unable to connect to backend error messages from mythweb.

On 5/17/05, Gavin Haslett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I say that it's during database writing because if I'm just READING the database it almost never seems to die. Basically I see it when scheduling recordings (mythweb most common, but on occasion through Mythfrontend), deleting recordings (removed record from the database, again most often in Mythweb but still happens in MFD), after running mythfilldatabase (often dies a minute or so after MFD runs), and when recording finishes and commflag is about to start. I should clarify that last one; I run that AFTER recording, not during recording as I'm unsure how happy my AMD 800 would be with that.

I have noticed that if I just WATCH recordings (a task that doesn't write to the database at all) then it doesn't crash... but what would be the point of that?

I think part of the backend problems might be database-related. I've had occasional problems with MySQL with my own developed applications where it doesn't seem to commit the writes back to the database files correctly, or takes a lot longer than I expect for it to write. It doesn't seem consistent... I just trap for the error and verify writes now. Sure it slows my code, but it prevents my code from segfaulting after a failed write.

-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Larry Taub
Sent:   Tue 5/17/2005 11:24 AM
To:     mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject:        [mythtv-users] Re: Dying Backend
I am right there with you Gavin. I have been experiencing the same problems
as you report. I had not noticed the correlation with the database writing
but I hadn't looked for it either. I have noticed many crashes directly
relating to scheduling recordings in Mythweb. Also, I recorded about 10
hours worth of tv yesterday and it worked fine then all of a sudden, it
crashed on an evening recording. When I woke up this morning, I saw that it
recorded two late night shows fine and was still running but then it crashed
on a morning show today. I took the opportunity to upgrade to .18.1 and have
restarted it. When looking at the logs, nothing seems amiss even when I
turned up the logging verbosity to all. It just shows that recording is
starting and then the log ends. I tried turning off the commercial flagging
while it records and it still crashed. To give another data point, I am
running off the atrpms install of mythtv.


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