I'm trying to build a .18.1 box from sources and have gotten everything in place, I think.

Unfortunately for me, mythfilldatabase is giving an error and 5 hours of scouring the web hasn't turned up any answers for me regarding this:

DB Error (Creating temporary table):
Query was:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dd_schedule ( programid char(12), stationid char(12), scheduletime datetime, duration time, repeat bool, stereo bool, subtitled bool, hdtv bool, closecaptioned bool, tvrating char(5), partnumber int, parttotal int, endtime datetime, INDEX progidx (programid) );
Driver error was [2/1064]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'repeat bool, stereo bool, subtitled bool, hdtv bool, closecaptio

Since mythtv-setup worked perfectly for me I don't think it's that I'm using MySQL 5.0.4-beta-standard for the database. So, that leaves syntax, but this looks right to me.

Does anyone have any clues here?

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